
Wp enqueue style woocommerce
Wp enqueue style woocommerce

wp enqueue style woocommerce

All these hooks work together, and when wp_head or wp_footer is called your script will be found and that will be loaded at the exact place.Then you have to hook your function to wp_enqueue_scripts or wp_enqueue_style hook.Initially write a function which registers your script using wp_enqueue_script.Below is a workflow of how wp enqueue works Wp_enqueue is basically a hook which then hooks itself in wp_head or wp_footer whenever it is required.

wp enqueue style woocommerce wp enqueue style woocommerce

Now WordPress will automatically add the scripts and styles at the right place. But by using wp enqueue you can write a single file of scripts and styles and just call the wp_enqueue function. This might slow down your website and even affect the performance of your WordPress website. Page speed is important for Search engine ranking, and it is not good to use the same scripts and styles again and again over all the places. The basic reason to use wp_enqueue function is to make your website run quickly and smoothly. Enqueuing scripts gives you a greater compatibility across major themes and plugins. It might reduce your performance and create a version conflict. There are many plugins and themes that use the same scripts, but by enabling enqueue it shares the files rather than attempting multiple times to load the same file. You can even tell WordPress when to load and where to load a file. By using this function, WordPress will take care of scripts and styles files in at proper places. When you are building a widget or a shortcode, you would not know where it is used on the website. In simple term it is like killing a few birds with one stone: It helps to load everything in the correct order, making sure that it is not loaded twice, and not wasting bytes on the scripts or styles. Wp_enqueue_style and wp_enqueue_script functions will determine the order of styles and scripts based upon the dependencies and it will only give the result when styles or scripts are needed.

Wp enqueue style woocommerce